Pitch Coaching Workshops

These intensive workshops use proven communications techniques to give participants a clear framework to engage and inspire both online and in-person.

Participants consistently confirm that the skills gained at these workshops present a lasting value with transferable communication skills that can be used across their organisation.

  • The skills gained through these workshops lead to:

  • Successful funding and grant applications

  • The perfect elevator pitch

  • Lasting networking relationships

  • Effectively utilise storytelling to fundraise

Pitch Coaching Workshops

TFN offers standalone workshops to non-profit leadership teams, boards of directors, neighbourhood houses and other community organisations.

  • What are they?

    TFN’s Pitch Coaching workshops incorporate pitch coaching, impact storytelling and presentation skills.

    Delivered in an interactive style, these workshops are a dynamic mix of communications theory, storytelling and presentation practice alongside 1:1 coaching and feedback.

  • Who are they for?

    These workshops are useful across all tiers of an organisation to ensure everyone is on message.

    Give your staff the skills to effectively communicate your mission and impact. Your board, executive leadership staff and volunteers will also directly benefit from the skills they take away from these workshops.

  • What do you get?

    Participants walk away with practical skills to fuel their fundraising.

    Participants also receive TFN's Pitch With Purpose digital toolkit, covering the workshop's learnings as well as other useful resources and tips that will help you take your fundraising from good to great!

Workshop Formats:

  • Full-day Masterclass, in-person workshop

  • Half-day, in-person workshop

  • Virtual workshop, delivered across two 2.5 hour sessions approximately 1 week apart.

  • Prices vary based on delivery method and group size.

Find out more about how Pitch Coaching can benefit your organisation.

The Funding Network (TFN) has delivered pitch coaching workshops to almost 2,000 non-profit leaders since its inception in 2013. Over the years, for-purpose organisations who have participated in these workshops and pitched at a live crowdfunding event have gone on to collectively raise over $22 million from funders across Australia.

What to expect at a Pitch Coaching Workshop...

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Zoë Caplen-Black

CEO, Happy Paws Happy Hearts

We had an opportunity to scale and expand which involved delivering a pitch and supplying a written application. I thought back to what I’d learned at TFN’s workshops, and we ended up being successful!

Chris Lombardo

CEO, Bridge Darebin

The experience with TFN was priceless. Not just for the organisation as a whole and the funding that came from the event but also the personal development through the pitch coaching. I've used the knowledge from the pitch practice continuously when presenting the organisation to funders, donors and at forums. It’s helped me be more confident in communicating our message to the public.

Loretta Lilford

Co-Founder, Smiling Hearts Uganda

I was extremely grateful for the amazing support and coaching we were provided. Pitch coaching taught me to believe in my ability and allowed me to present proudly and confidently.

Nick Harrington

Founding Director, Manjeri

TFN's pitch coaching has had an immense impact across all our communications, pitching at other events and simply talking to potential supporters over coffee. The tips on clarifying and delivering a succinct, focused narrative have directly contributed to our capacity to obtain additional funding.

Alicia Kennedy

CEO, Cherished Pets

Through TFN there is greater awareness, new connections and contacts, new opportunities and endorsements. And through all of this the pitch coaching has been the most amazing support to me.

Book your Pitch Coaching workshop with TFN today

Meet the Coaches

Our workshops are delivered by some of the best and most effective communicators in Australia.

Pitch Coach Emily Carr

Emily is the founder and Managing Director of Parkour Consulting, a full service strategy and people consultancy. Prior to launching Parkour Consulting, Emily led the global Strategy and People Enablement function for Macquarie Group’s Financial Management Group (FMG), a division of 2,000 people located across 28 offices globally.

Pitch Coach Matt Wicking

Matt is an experienced facilitator, host, speaker and musician. A long-time advocate for environmental and social justice causes, Matt brings authenticity, creativity and humour to his work supporting people with passion and who want to create a better world.

Pitch Coach Fae Robinson

Fae is an accredited coach, leadership and organisational development consultant with experience in strategy development, strategic planning and evaluation. Prior to consultancy, Fae spent 17 years in the public sector across strategic development, policy, planning and performance, and marketing; and worked in the private sector as a journalist and editor. Fae holds a Master of Science.